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Mementix is a social networking app that you use with friends to coordinate event plans, save and share tickets, capture and relive memories all in one application. 

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Mementix is a social networking app for concerts, sports games and special occasions that friends use to coordinate plans, capture moments, collect tickets and relive memories all in one place. It lets users find events, invite friends, plan their experiences, assign tickets, share pictures and videos, and even view the events their friends are attending.

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Mementix is your go-to platform for seamless event coordination and memory capture. Upload your tickets and build your collection by personalizing each ticket with photos, videos, and tag the friends who joined you.


With EventSpaces, easily coordinate plans, chat with the group, and save all memories in one place.


Stay in the loop with the Newsfeed, discovering upcoming events and friends' plans. Mementix transforms event experiences into lasting memories, effortlessly bringing people together.

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Our mission is simple… make it easy for friends and family to plan and coordinate events, save pictures and videos, collect ticket stubs, and
then relive those amazing memories in the future.

We believe every ticket has a story. Every event has moments you don’t want to forget. 

We all want to capture all the details, picture, videos, stubs and conversations from the amazing events we attended so that we don’t lose them. Mementix was created to capture
and collect those memories so that you never forget them and so that you can go back and relive those memories in the future.

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Evan Wade

As a kid I loved going to an event and then coming home and adding a stub to my ticket jar collection. As I got older and went through my collection I noticed the fading memories that set each event apart. Motivated by the desire to better relive the events, I began annotating my physical tickets to help remember the smaller details. 


This was only a temporary fix, as the transition to digital tickets reintroduced the challenge of scattered event memories but opened the door for a centralized solution. It was during this time that I connected with Ryan and Bill, who shared the same desire to revolutionize ticket collecting, sparking the birth of Mementix.

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Having had the privilege of traveling and experiencing numerous events, including attending many sports games during my career as a former professional athlete, I faced a unique challenge upon retiring. Reliving those memories proved to be very difficult due to their scattered nature.

Motivated by the dynamics of the social and digital era, discussions with friends led me to Evan and Bill, both of whom shared a common vision for revolutionizing ticket collecting and memory preservation. Together, we established Mementix LLC, our response to the challenge of connecting and managing the memories associated with tickets and events.

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When Evan and Ryan explained the concept to me, I was all in. I knew the world needed Mementix. There had to be a better way to share and collect tickets, coordinate events with friends and capture the memories from those events.  I’ve run several large organizations  and companies in my career and was recently President of Green Business Bureau. I’m super excited about leading Mementix and creating an amazing service for consumers, a great company for our employees and a brand that is a household name.

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